Valencian Community

The Region of Valencia ( official catalan. País Valencian, Spanish Comunidad Valenciana ) is located on the Mediterranean coast Autonomous Community of Spain. It is bordered to the north by Catalonia, Aragon in the west and Castile -La Mancha and Murcia in the south and includes the three provinces of Valencia, Alacant and Castelló. Capital of the autonomous community is the city of Valencia.

The territory of the Autonomous Community formed in 1982 is largely identical to that of the former Kingdom of Valencia, which belonged to the crown of Aragon.


The majority of the region belongs to the linguistic area of the Valencian, which belongs to the Catalan. Valencian is next to the Spanish official language. The population on the coast speaks Valencian and Spanish, while in the interior and south of the autonomous region of mostly Spanish is spoken.

Political Structure

The Autonomous Community of Valencia includes the three provinces of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia, which in turn in a total of 32 Comarcas (districts ) and the Municipalities (cities) can be classified.

The main institutions that govern the Autonomous Region of Valencia and manage together the Generalitat Valenciana, the administration form, are as follows:

  • The autonomous parliament " Corts Valencianes " with the legislative functions
  • The Government (" Consell " ) with the executive functions, with the Prime Minister ( "President de la Generalitat Valenciana " ) at the top

Festivals and Holidays

In some cities, the fiestas " Moros i Cristians " ( Moors and Christians ) are celebrated with which the battles between the Muslim and Christian armies in the region in the Spanish Middle Ages is thought. In March, the case will be further celebrated in many places, especially in the province of Valencia. Alicante is famous for the celebrated in June Fogueres de Sant Joan. In March, the Magdalene is celebrated in Castellón; in Elx the " Misteri d' Elx ". In the small town of Buñol (about 40 km from Valencia from Madrid ) takes place every year in early August probably the world's biggest tomato fight La Tomatina instead.

Holidays in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (2004):

These holidays nine Spanish national holidays will be added as well as two local church holidays.


Expressed in comparison with the EU GDP in purchasing power standards reached the Region of Valencia an index of 96 (EU -27: 100 ) (2006 ) .. The country is heavily in debt and had to apply for the first Spanish region using rescue fund Fondo de Liquidez Autonomica.
