Valgu, Rapla County

58.8147222224.5941666667Koordinaten: 58 ° 49 'N, 24 ° 36' O

Valgu ( German Walck ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural municipality in the district Märjamaa Rapla. It has 304 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2005).


The village was the first time in 1284 under the name Walkede first documented, the German Baltic Good Valgu however, only first mentioned in 1529.

From the 15th to the 17th century Valgu was owned by the noble family Fahrenbach. Last owner was Arndt Henry of driving Bach. On June 24, 1621 Good passed to his son- Jürgen von Wrangel. 1654 will be called the Lode as the owner of Valgu, 1726 by Budberg, 1780 then the Staal, 1806, the Hoyningen -Huene by, in 1809 changed the ownership to the Uexküll.

A newer, two-story mansion was built in the 1820s in the style of classicism. Six columns support a portico. From 1820 to the Estonian land reform in the 1920s, the estate of the noble family of Pilar Pilchau belonged.

The mansion burned down insurgents on December 14, 1905 during the Russian Revolution. It was the first estate in Läänemaa ( Wiek ), the revolutionary turmoil fell victim. The building was later rebuilt. In the old manor house is since 1941 a school.

The historic farm house surrounds on the right bank of the river Velise ( Velise Jõgi ) an eight -acre park. Along the riverside, which encompasses the historic distillery of the estate with its tall chimney.
