
The security number, VALOR short, is in Switzerland a unique identification number of listed (quoted ) securities and financial instruments and serves a similar purpose as the CUSIP in the North American or the Securities Identification Number (WKN) on the German market.

Procurement procedures

The security number is a numeric code which in itself has no meaning. When issuing a new Security number is assigned to just the next number from the appropriate list. The number does not provide any clues to the nature of the instrument. The security number is part of the Swiss ISIN, with the ISIN starts with CH or XT.


The security number can be used as an identifier of a financial instrument for a variety of purposes: Generally, a security number for each type of financial instrument is issued that meets the allocation rules. It can be used together with the Market Identifier Code (MIC ) and the currency code identifies each item of the instrument traded and for transaction reports and position -keeping.

In Switzerland and Liechtenstein security number is the most important identifier for the Swiss Value Chain and serves as the primary identifier for financial institutions across the region and beyond.


The word VALOR in German means " securities ". In German, the code always refers to the " Security Number " (or the VALOR ), ie the number of securities. The plural of VALOR in the German states securities. In English-speaking countries, the terms " VALOR " and " VALOREN " are sometimes used interchangeably.


The security number is issued by SIX Financial Information.

  • Security ID