Vanadium(II) bromide

  • Vanadiumdibromid
  • Vanadium (II ) bromide
  • Vanadindibromid

Pale brown crystalline solid


3.23 g · cm -3

800 ° C.

Dissolves in water to form [V (H2O ) 6] 2 ions

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Vanadium ( II) bromide is a chemical compound of the elements vanadium and bromine. It is a pale orange - brown, crystalline solid, which boils at 800 ° C.

Production and representation

Vanadium ( II) bromide may be obtained by reduction of vanadium (III ) bromide with hydrogen at 400 ° C:

It can also be obtained by bromination of vanadium.


Physical Properties

Vanadium (II ) bromide is a light brown, reddish-pink in the heat of solids. He is more hygroscopic than vanadium (II ) chloride, but not as sensitive as vanadium (III ) bromide. With water it forms a violet solution, can be isolated from the blue-violet needles of the hexahydrate. It has an octahedral crystal structure similar to that of cadmium iodide, with space group P3m1 (a = 3.768 Å, c = 6.180 Å).

Chemical Properties

Vanadium ( II) bromide is a strong reducing agent that reduces nitrogen even in the presence of magnesium to hydrazine.

It dissolves in water to form [V (H2O ) 6] 2 ions:
