Vancouver Maritime Museum

The Vancouver Maritime Museum is a maritime museum in the Canadian city of Vancouver. It is located immediately west of False Creek in Vanier Park on the shores of English Bay. The museum is thus in close proximity to the Vancouver Museum and the HR MacMillan Space Centre. The museum also houses a small museum harbor.

Centerpiece of the exhibition is the St. Roch, a schooner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This ship was 1940-42 under Captain Henry Larsen, the first, the Northwest Passage in the west-east direction, ie, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, completed. Since 1958, the ship anchored permanently in a dry dock. To this around the museum building was erected.

Another important exhibit is the research submersible Ben Franklin. With this, set up in the outer area of ​​the museum, Mesoskaph Jacques Piccard explored the Gulf Stream and its drift.

The museum organizes changing exhibitions on the history of seafaring and has a corresponding library and a large collection of ship models. In a workshop, visitors can watch the model makers at work.


Submersible Ben Franklin
