
Wareniki (Russian / Ukrainian Вареники; plural of Warenik, Russian / Ukrainian Вареник ) are a court of Slavic cuisine, which is common throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. It consists of filled, half-moon shaped dumplings that are boiled in salted water or (in some regions) on steam.


The dough for Wareniki consists of wheat flour, water, salt and egg.

There are known many different fillings for Wareniki: mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, cottage cheese, mushrooms and others. As sweet fillings of fruit or berries are used.

Wareniki are traditionally eaten with butter and Smetana, but also with honey or jam.

The dough is similar to rolled flat like a pizza in a round shape. Then the dough into small circles (or squares) is cut. In that the filling is placed, which are folded afterwards.


In the short story by Nikolai Gogol The Night Before Christmas from the collection Evenings on the hamlet in Dikanka Wareniki are bound by magic all by itself out of the bowl, dipped in the sour cream and flown into the mouth of the Warlock Patzjuk potbelly. Through this scene jumping Wareniki a symbol of gluttony and laziness in the Russian and Ukrainian -speaking countries have become in the mouth.
