Variabilichromis moorii

Grown Variabilichromis moorii

Variabilichromis moorii (syn. Lamprologus moorii, Neolamprologus moorii ) is a cichlid that is endemic in the southern part of the African Lake Tanganyika. It is the only species in the genus Variabilichromis created in 1985. V. moorii reached a total length of up to 10 cm and is held in aquaria.


Adult animals are dark, almost black in color and have bright light blue seams at their fins except the pectoral fins. In the iris and below the eyes for more light blue colors. Young animals, in contrast, yellowish coloration and can keep up to a size of 6 cm.

Way of life

The fish inhabit shallow rubble zones and the rocky coast. You are revier forming. Couples have a close bond. Variabilichromis moorii spawn in caves, which are guarded by the parents. The fry hatch in about one week from the up to 100 eggs. Keep to the first as dense, small shoal always very close to the parental breeding cave.
