Vasily Lebedev-Kumach

Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev - Kumach (Russian Василий Иванович Лебедев - Кумач; scientific transliteration Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev - Kumač; born 24 Julijul / August 5 1898greg in Moscow, .. † February 20, 1949 ) was a Soviet song writer, lyricist of Estrada hits, satirist and author of film screenplays.


Lebedev Kumach worked from 1919 to 1921 at the Press Office of the Military Revolutionary Council ( Реввоенсовет ), chaired by Leon Trotsky, as well as for the propaganda department agit- ROSTA. He studied at the Moscow State University and made ​​his name as a writer of satirical poems, stories and essays that were published in various newspapers and magazines as well as their own collections. He wrote for the stage and for the talkies, especially lyrics.

Film Music

Lebedev Kumach is considered one of the founders of the genre of the Soviet mass song. Many of his songs were all over the Soviet Union known, some even internationally: Марш весёлых ребят (1934 ), Песня о Родине (1936, both to tunes by IO Dunajewski ) майская, Гимн партии большевиков and Москва.

Two days after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 published Pravda and Red Star ( the newspaper of the Red Army ) война a poem by Lebedev Kumach entitled Священная ( The Holy War ), which a few days later by AA Alexandrov was set to music and performed for the first and soon almost the "war anthem of the Soviet Union " was. In 1941 he was awarded the State Prize of the Soviet Union.

Many songs of the Lebedev Kumach were retightened in numerous languages, including German ( among others by Stephan Hermlin and Erich Fried) and Chinese ..



  • Развод, 1925
  • Чаинки в блюдце, 1925
  • Со всех волостей, 1926
  • Печальные улыбки, 1927
  • Людишки и делишки, 1927

Texts for film music

  • Весёлые ребята
  • Цирк


  • Лирика. Сатира. Фельетон, 1939
  • Песни и стихотворения, 1960