Vatican Television Center

The Vatican Television Center (Italian: Centro televisivo Vaticano (CTV ) ) was established in 1983. It serves the worldwide transmission of television images that document the work of the Pope and the activities of the Holy See.

CTV provides live broadcasts, daily reports, productions and maintains an archive. Since 1996, CTV is an institution of the Roman Curia and working according to the statutes of 1 June 1996, it is the "universal proclamation of the Gospel" in the foreground. The overall management was entrusted to the Jesuits, which also provide the Director-General.

The records produced include the Angelus, general audiences, as well as other events and celebrations. The remotes, for example, in Pastoral Visits of the Holy Father are those from other Catholic television stations. The programs produced by CTV daily also be disclosed to agencies and international channels, this CTV has its own copy device. The Vatican television also supports members of the press, recording teams and provides technical support. The television productions consist mainly of documentaries and the weekly " Octava Dies ." The video library and the archive has a variety of video cassettes and has since 1984 on a documentary. TV stations and production companies from around the world rely on these archive recordings.
