
Hekla i.d. Middle, snow-capped mountain range Vatnafjöll on re. edge

Vatnafjöll are a volcanic mountain range in Iceland. Its highest peak reaches 1235 m.


They are located southeast of the volcano Hekla in the south of the country.


The Vatnafjöll consist of a group of volcanic columns and rows crater, which begins directly southeast of Hekla.

This is a volcanic system 40 km long and 9 km wide, which is normally expected to Hekla. In summer 2010, a project of the Volcanological Institute of the University of Iceland is currently which is to determine the exact relations of the basalt columns producing volcano Hekla in their environment.

In the Holocene, there were about 12 outbursts from this system last 1200 years ago.

The earthquake of 1987

1987 was below the Vatnafjöll the epicenter of an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 on the Richter scale.
