Velezia rigida

Velezia rigida is a perennial plant of the genus Velezia.


Velezia rigida is a one-year stem - Therophyt. The species attains a height of from 7 to 15, rarely up to 30 centimeters. The stem is stiff, richly branched sparrig and glandular - downy. The linear- pfriemlichen leaves are 10 to 20 millimeters long. At more or less all stem nodes one or two flowers are available. The very narrow -tube cup is 15 - annoying, 5 - to 6 times longer than the fruit stalk and measures 10 to 14 × 1 to 1.5 millimeters. The petals are pink, the plates in two columns.

The flowering period extends from March to June.


Velezia rigida occurs in Phrygana and on open waste places in the Mediterranean and the Orient.

