Vello Helk

Vello Helk ( born September 23, 1923 in Varstu, Võrumaa, † March 14, 2014 ) was a Danish historian and archivist of Estonian origin.

After he was drafted in 1944 to serve in the German army, he went to the end of the Second World War as a DP to Denmark. From 1947 he studied at the University of Aarhus History, Latin and German. He focused on the North European history of the 16th and 17th centuries; his specialty was the Norwegian Jesuit Laurentius Nicolai. He has also researched and published on the Jesuits in Tartu and Scandinavian students at Southern universities.

For over 30 years ( 1959-1990 ) was Helk at the Danish National Archives Rigsarkivet operates from 1970 to 1990 as head of the 4th section from 1978 to 1979 as Deputy Archivist kingdom of Denmark. He retired in 1990.

In 1996 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Tartu.


  • The city school in Kuressaare on Saaremaa in Danish and Swedish time from 1559 to 1710. North-East German culture work, Lüneburg, 1956.
  • Laurentius Nicolai Norvegus SJ: en biographical med bidrag til belysning af romerkirkens forsøg på at genvinde Danmark -Norge i tiden fra reformations 1622 til 1966.
  • The Jesuits in Dorpat 1583-1625: an outpost of the Counter-Reformation in North Eastern Europe. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1977.
  • Matriculation of Schleswig 's students from 1517 to 1864. Kiel, 1991.
  • Estonia's history, 170 Odense Universitetsforlag, 1994.
  • Stambogsskikken i det danske monarki indtil 1800: med en fortegnelse over danske, norske, Islandske above Slesvig - holstenske stambøger including udlændinges stambøger med indførsler fra det danske ophold i monarki. Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001.