
Originated from a part of the Zuiderzee

Lake Veluwe (Dutch sea - the lake ) is a lake in the Netherlands.

Origin of the name

The Veluwe is named after the Veluwe landscape, a wooded area in the province of Gelderland.


The Veluwe is located between the provinces of Gelderland and Flevoland and is the largest of Veluwerandmeere, a part of the former Zuiderzee. To the southwest, close to the Veluwerandmeere Wolderwijd, Nuldernauw and Nijkerkernauw. In the north, the Lake Veluwe with the northernmost Veluwerandmeer, the Drontermeer is connected. You can reach the IJsselmeer by water on both the northern and the southern exit of the Veluwemeer.

Major cities on the Veluwe are Elburg and Harderwijk in the northeast to the southwest.


The Veluwe has a size of approximately 32.5 km ². His depth of water is very low, in many places can a grown man standing in the water. Provide for the recreational boating and excursion boats that tour the IJsselmeer Lake Veluwe, is continuously dredged a " fairway ". The Veluwe is a popular recreation and tourist area.
