Ventricular system

Ventricles are with cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF) -filled cavities in the brain. They form, together with the spinal canal ( central canal ), the interior of the liquor area. The brain has ever on a lateral ventricle in each cerebral hemisphere, a third ventricle in the diencephalon and the fourth ventricle in the hindbrain. These four ventricles are through holes ( foramina ), and connecting structures (such as the mesencephalic aqueduct ) with each other.

The ventricles are lined with a tissue called the ependyma. The cerebrospinal fluid is formed from the present in the ventricles vein plexus ( choroid plexus ).

Lateral ventricles

The two lateral or lateral ventricles are in the cerebrum; their complex shape with the anterior horn ( Cornu anterior / frontal ), central part ( pars centralis, cella media), posterior horn ( Cornu posterior / occipital ), and inferior horn ( Cornu inferior / temporal ) is caused by the evolutionarily related rotation of the cerebrum. The lateral ventricles are each an interventricular foramen ( foramen of Monro ) to the third ventricle in combination.

However, although all four parts of the lateral flow into each, you can limit anatomically as follows it: the floor of the anterior horn forms the rostrum of the corpus callosum, the anterior wall of the genu of the corpus callosum, the side wall of the caput caudate nucleus, the inner wall of the septum pellucidum and the roof of the trunk of the corpus callosum. The floor of the central portion forming the stria terminalis, the lamina plexus choroid affixa and the crus of the fornix, the side wall of the corpus caudate nucleus, the inner wall of crus of the fornix and septum pellucidum and roof of the trunk of the corpus callosum. The posterior horn is the collateral trigone on the ground and the tibial collateralis, bounded internally by the calcar avis and the side of the tapetum. Line the bottom of the temporal horn and alveus hippocampi collateralis form eminence, the inner wall, the fimbria hippocampi and the choroid plexus and the side wall the cauda caudate nucleus and the tapetum.

For the posterior cornu and the inferior cornu that the sideways location (lateral ) wall each also corresponds to the roof. The anterior horn and the dorsal horn are free from the choroid plexus, as it is in these structures are secondary protuberances which arise evolutionarily after the fixed course of the plexus.

Third ventricle

The unpaired third ventricle is located in the midbrain below the fornix. He is above the foramen of Monro with the lateral ventricles in conjunction and flows back ( dorsal) in the mesencephalic aqueduct, he communicates with the fourth ventricle communicates via the.

The third ventricle is limited as follows: The ground form recess infundibuli, portions of the optic chiasm, supraoptic recess and midbrain hood ( midbrain tegmentum ). The roof form the tela choroidea ulcer tertii and the choroid plexus ulcer tertii. The front wall formed by the column of the fornix, anterior commissure, lamina terminalis and the recessus triangularis. The rear wall form habenularum commissure, posterior commissure, and recess recess suprapinealis pinealis, sidewall thalamus, adhesions inter- thal amica, stria medullaris thalami, hypothalamus and hypothalamic sulcus.

Fourth ventricle

The fourth ventricle lies in the hindbrain ( rhombencephalon ) in the area of the fourth ventricle and is a total of three holes ( two Aperturae lateral ( foramina of Luschka ) and one median aperture ( foramen of Magendie ) ) with the subarachnoid space and thus to the outer CSF space in conjunction. It is bordered by the rhomboid fossa (front) and of the cerebellum Sailing ( medullary velum superior / inferior ) at the rear. In addition, obex, Tela choroidal quarti ulcer, nodule and fastigium form the roof ( tegmen ulcer quarti ).

Choroid plexus

The choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles extend from the roof of the horns of the pars centralis to the beginning of the anterior horn. About the interventricular foramina they are related to the choroid plexus of the third ventricle in combination. The isolated choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle is localized at the inferior cerebellar sail.
