Venus figurines of Gönnersdorf

The Venusfigurinen of Gönnersdorf ( Neuwied ) is eleven stone-age representations of the female body. The statuettes made ​​of bone, antler and ivory. The age of the figurines is specified with 15000-11500 years; they come from the Magdalenian. The figurines are between 5.4 cm and 8.7 cm long. The site was excavated under the direction of Gerhard Bosinski 1968-1976 and explored ever since.

At the same location next to the statues especially numerous engravings of women and animals and abstract signs were found on slates. The more than 200 portraits of women are highly schematic. Most are portraits of women in profile, without exception, without a head. They are often presented in groups, which are interpreted as scenic views.
