Vera Stroyeva

Vera Pavlovna Strojewa (Russian Вера Павловна Строева; * 8 ​​Septemberjul / September 21 1903greg in Kiev, .. † August 26, 1991 ) was a Soviet film director and screenwriter.

Wera Strojewa studied from 1920 to 1922 acting at the Theatre Institute Kiev and then to 1924 at the Children's Theatre of Ministry of Education ( Narkompros ) in Moscow. From 1925 to 1927 she was employed there as an actress, writer and director at the National Children's Theatre, where she met her future husband, the film director Grigori Roshal, and his sister, the screenwriter Serafima Roshal. Since 1925 Strojewa also wrote screenplays for the production company Sojuskino (now Mosfilm ), from 1928 to 1931, she worked for Ukrainfilm in Odessa. Since 1930 she worked as director, initially together with Grigori Roshal. Many of her films were magnificently decorated musicals and opera films, among them Chowanstschina, which was nominated for the Academy Awards in 1962 for Best Film Music.

She was awarded, among others, the decorations ( Орден " Знак Почёта "). In 1944 she received the national award as Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR ( Заслуженный деятель искусств Казахской ССР ), 1973 the title of People's Artist of RSFSR ( Народный артист РСФСР ).


As a screenwriter:

As a director:
