Verbal noun

A verbal noun (also: Noun Action is ) is a noun formed from a verb and refers to the intentioned events (actions, operations ) as a thing. Thus, it is to be distinguished from the verbal noun, a verb, as in the infinite form of the verb occupies the grammatical function of a noun.

Is the deverbal noun an abstraction, one also speaks of a Verbalabstraktum.


German examples

Separate separation of, extending a distance of, intention of refrain, jostling jostling by, slip slip by.

Latin examples

Actio of transient / actum, usus of uti / usum. Also, the gerund is Verbalsubstantivum, example: venia legendi permission to (m) reading.

Arab Examples

  • In the Arabic grammar, the verbal noun is called Masdar (Arabic مصدر ). Example: كتابة kitābatun " writing ". Verbal nouns can be used in place of a conjugated verb in the sentence and are more common in written than spoken Arabic before. The meaning of the sentence remains the same:

Example: أريد الكتابة - urīdu l - Kitaba (ta). . - I want to write. /. أريد أن أكتب - urīdu ʾ at aktuba. - I want to write.

The formation of verbal nouns is carried to the ground strain according to a fixed scheme, ie for strains II - X, there are certain patterns that the respective verbal noun can be derived (with a few exceptions):

II strain taf ʿ īl تفعيل III. Master MUFA ʿ ala / fi ʿ Āl فعال / مفاعلة IV strain if ʿ Āl إفعال V. tribe Mustafa ʿ ʿ ul تفعل VI. Master Tafa ʿ ul تفاعل VII strain infected ʿ Āl انفعال VIII strain IFTI ʿ al افتعال IX. Strain if ʿ Ilal افعلال X. tribe istif ʿ Āl استفعال
