Veritatis Splendor

Veritatis Splendor ( splendor of truth ) of 6 August 1993, the tenth encyclical of Pope John Paul II You is subtitled: To all the bishops of the Catholic Church - some basic questions about the Church's moral teaching.. On striking passages along the interrelationships between Christ, the Church and the moral good to be clarified in view of people's lives.

Chapter I.

"Master, what must I do good ... " (Mt 19, 16) - Christ and the answer to the moral question

With the spot Mt 19.16-26 ( "Teacher, what good must I do ...? " ) Is presented Christ as the answer to the moral question of the people and with the promise of Jesus Christ from his permanent presence ( "Be and lo, I am with you always, to the end of the world "(Mt 28, 20) ) reaffirmed.

Chapter II

" Not be conformed to the thinking of this world " (Rom 12: 2 ) - The Church and the assessment of some tendencies of today's moral theology

With very different passages in the second chapter the Pauline call to the Christians of Rome, not to align themselves with " the mindset of this world" ( Rom. 12: 2 ) supported and worked out the Church's role in the assessment of some tendencies of today's moral theology. The ratio of "Freedom and Law", "Conscience and Truth", " basic decision and concrete behaviors " in view of " the moral action " are the steps in this section, in turn, with a thought from Romans (Romans 3, 8) closes, which is that one should not do evil on the grounds that that would give good.

III. chapter

"So that the cross of Christ be emptied of its power " (1 Cor 1, 17 ) - The moral good for the life of the Church and the world

These clarifications are especially necessary, therefore, " lest the cross of not emptied of its power " will (1 Cor 1: 17). "For freedom Christ has freed us " ( Gal 5:1 ), but to walk in the light and do the moral good.

At the end of this chapter, the Pope to the bishops, to whom this Encyclical is addressed their responsibilities in mind.
