
Verlan is a common in the French youth language game language in which the syllables are reversed. Even the name Verlan is written already in Verlan, namely she comes from the French "à l' envers " (reversed). Many words have been taken but in the colloquial French, such as " Beurs " ( to " Arabes " ) instead of " maghrébins ".

The particular difficulty in understanding the Verlan is to identify which syllables were twisted and that may already submitted the original words from the vernacular. Even monosyllabic words can be twisted by being on clearly stated and shortened back to a monosyllable after turning the syllables (such as mec (French type) = me - keu → → keume Keum ).

Another method of Verlan is the following: take the first and last consonant of a word, turns around and uses this "eu" one. Example: femme (woman ) m -f meuf.


Verlan is a spoken language, not written language, and rarely considered the official spelling. Some exceptions:

  • Trome = métro - Metro
  • Chébran = branché - in ( on the last edge of fashion )
  • Ouf = fou - crazy

In general, verlan refers to the phonetics:

  • Relou = agricole - annoying, pushy
  • Laisse tomber béton = laisse - let's be
  • Zarbi = bizarre - strange
  • Albedo = stave - grass, marijuana

Occasionally, a vowel must be inserted in order to pronounce a final consonant can. In the case of schwa is ( written eu ) is used, eg:

  • Keum = mec - type
  • Meuf = femme - woman
  • Keuf = flic - ugs for policeman ( here disappears in the rotation usually the left);

In some cases, the Verlan developed by a term which already belongs to the Verlan:

  • Reubeu = beur arabe = - Arabs

The consonants of the original word remain unaffected, but the vowels were changed.

Three-syllable words can also be rotated, you know three different methods:

  • Put the first syllable of the word end: Caillera = Racaille - mob Pack

Verlan words as a label

  • Gotan Project, Name of Parisian music group Verlanisierung the name Tango Dance
  • Stromae, name a rapper, Verlanisierung by Maestro

