Veronica arvensis

Field - speedwell ( Veronica arvensis)

The field - speedwell ( Veronica arvensis ) is a flowering plant in the family of the plantain family ( Plantaginaceae ).


The field speedwell is an erect, annual wintering herbaceous plant, which reaches stature heights of 3 to 25 cm. The light green plant has a creeping growth, but the stems are not rooted. The stem has short, curly hair with a few intervening long hair. The change-constant leaves are ovate, much longer than wide, 5-15 mm long and are gradually smaller upwards. The leaf margin is notched flat.

The flowers are single in leaf axils. The flower stems are less than half as long as the calyx. Your pale blue petals are only open in the morning. The stylus is about 0.4 to 0.8 mm long. The capsule fruit is deep - pointed ausgerandete.


The field speedwell is an annual, summer annual plant, and with us a archaeophyte.

Pollinators of flowers are bees relatives. The flowering period extends from March to July.

The fruit stand is extended after flowering. The fruit flaps are spread flat in the wet. The fruit is a capsule Regentropfenballist. The shield-shaped seeds are long and 50-80 mg hard to 1 mm; they propagate as Regenschwemmlinge, besides there is a random spread through the intestines of cattle.

The field speedwell is as a ground cover in spring drought against soil drying is important.


The field speedwell comes across Germany before on sandy, loamy fields, in waste places, on lawns and dry meadows and forest edges.
