Veronica (search engine)

Veronica, short for Very Easy Rodent - Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archives, 1992 in a developed at the University of Nevada, Reno, menu -based search service for internet service Gopher (protocol: gopher :/ / ), which until the mid- 1990s was used years and then superseded by the World Wide Web and search engines; in the transitional period Veronica was used by WWW forms, today there are hardly any gopher or Veronica server.

Veronica made ​​functional for the Gopherspace what the search service for Archie FTP does.

Veronica indexed the title of files and directories all Gopherserver that are known to the "mother" Gopher of the University of Minnesota, and all Gopherserver to which of these servers is referenced. A serious advantage over the search engine Archie was that the title not be limited to the file name, but can also consist of complete sentences. Also logical queries with or-, and- and not- Combination of keywords are possible.
