Versandhaus Walz

Shipping Walz GmbH is a specialist mail order company based in Upper Swabia Bad Waldsee.


The mail order company was founded in 1952 by Alfonso rolling. He started with the delivery of a baby layette and issued its first catalog under the name of baby-walz. In 1967 the range was expanded first modern housewife through the catalog. Other catalogs were added later. In 1988, the mail order company was sold to the mail order company Neckermann, who later was to become the Karstadt Quelle Group and Arcandor. Following the insolvency of Arcandor, the company was acquired by the Carlyle Group.

Today the company operates also in Switzerland, Austria, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark except in Germany. On average about 20,000 parcels are dispatched by the logistics center in Bad Waldsee daily. The company also has about 69 retail stores.


  • With the catalog baby-walz, the company has become the largest specialty retailer of mother and child in Europe.
  • The catalog The modern housewife offers products for the home and kitchen. For many customers it has achieved cult status because of its original texts.
  • Under the motto "Playing discover the world " in the catalog " walzkidzz " will be shipped since 2002. The target group is children between three and ten years of age.
  • With rolling Vital, the company intends to open up the customer group, the so-called Best Ager. At about 150 pages, products for the areas of movement, safety, health, relaxation and find it.
  • In 2007, the first time the catalog " creawalz " was released. Under the motto " Out of sheer pleasure in being creative ," he addressed to craft friends.
  • Nuggihus (2009) is a baby online shop and offers many things for small children.


The shipping Walz has the subsidiary DVM Marketing & Advertising Co., Ltd., are the addresses to other companies for the purpose of advertising. This daughter is reachable as the transit Walz at the same address.

Baby-Walz as a theater

In winter 2008/2009 the story of Alfons Walz and his company was listed as a play by the theater group Biberacher Without name. There were 13 performances in Füramoos, Biberach an der Riss, Schemmerhofen and Bad Waldsee. The piece by Peter Schmid was realized with the help of Alfonso Walz's daughter and supported by the company Baby - Walz, also a biography of Alfonso roll ("I have lived my life " ) was issued.
