Versement transport

The Versement transport ( VT) is a transportation tax, the municipalities or municipal associations in France earmarked for the financing of local public transport (LPT ) of employers may charge. The money earned can be used both for current operations and for investment.

The transport control was tentatively raised first time in 1971 in Paris. 1973 all agglomerations with more than 300,000 inhabitants were included. Until 1992, the scope has been gradually extended to all municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Legal background of the control was the consideration that the costs incurred by the improvement of public transport costs should be partially assumed by the beneficiaries. This was resorted to employers because they are more accessible for customers and employees, they have to build fewer parking spaces and can save investment for stores. Taxable all employers with more than nine employees, the Versement is levied transport based on the payroll. Here were in 2010, depending on the conurbation different maximum rates:

  • In Ile- de -France, the Paris region, the maximum rate of between 2.6 % in the city of Paris and 1.4% in the outer departments.
  • In urban areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants, the transport tax can be levied up to a maximum of 1.00 %. If in these urban regions a transport offered on their own roadways or is the construction of such a system is planned, the maximum rate is 1.75 %. As own route seemed bound systems such as Metro, Vehicle of automatique Léger (VAL ) and trams, but also bus services to track buses such as the Tramway de Nancy apply.
  • In urban areas with 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants of Versement can transport up to 0.55 %, respectively (for transport on their own roadways 0.85 %).
  • In areas with 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants to 0.55% may be charged.

Supplements are associations of municipalities (0.05 %) and in places with government classified tourism function ( 0.20% ) is possible.

Local authorities or associations of local authorities to decide whether a transport tax is levied and shall determine the exact amount. 1995 90% of the total of 190 eligible municipal associations, the transport control. 1994 amounted to gross receipts throughout France 2.8 billion euros; 2001 Total Income increased to just over four billion euros; 2010, approximately 6.2 billion euros were taken. About half of the income attributable to the Paris region. In general, the maximum rates are exhausted. Using the maximum rates new tram systems have been built, for example, in Grenoble, Strasbourg and Montpellier since the 1980s in many French metropolitan areas.

Revenue from the Versement transport can thereby be equally related to investments in its network and vehicles as well as to subsidize the ongoing operation in contrast to the German Municipal Transport Financing Act ( GVFG ). The latter allows, for example, the compression of cycle times, without the additional cost of the fare revenue must be completely covered. 2010 44.2 % of the expenditure for urban transport on the Versement were financed transportation. Ensure that the control was the main financial instrument for public transport in France.
