
Hornet (Vespa crabro )

  • Euparagiinae
  • Honey Honey ( Masarinae )
  • Solitary wasps ( Eumeninae )
  • Steno gas Trinae
  • Wasp ( Polistinae )
  • True wasps ( Vespinae )

The wasps ( Vespidae ) are a family of Stechimmen ( Aculeata ) in the order of the Hymenoptera ( Hymenoptera). They comprise about 4000 species worldwide, of which about 100 live in Central Europe.


The name wasps is due to that the wings of the animals in the rest position are folded lengthwise. The compound eyes are kidney-shaped. The common black and yellow coloration as a warning aposematische costume refers to the defensibility of most species.


Among the wasps include the subfamilies of the Real wasps ( Vespinae ) and the wasp ( Polistinae ), collectively referred to as Social wasps - or after their nesting material than paper wasps. As a state-forming wasps, they are among the best-known insects.

However, most species belong to the subfamily of solitary wasps ( Eumeninae ), which are also called Lehmwespen because they build the brood cells for their larvae out of clay, such as the genus of potter wasps. The solitary wasps are solely represented by over 200 species in Europe.

In addition, among the wasps nor the honey wasp ( Masarinae ) with over 300 species worldwide.
