Vestre Slidre

2212 ( March 31, 2013 )

Vestre Slidre is a commune in the Norwegian province (county ) Oppland.

The commune is administered by the City Slidre and has an area of 463 km ² with a north- south extent of 33.3 km (by water are there 34.8 km ) and an east- west distance of 28.5 km. Vestre Slidre has 2212 inhabitants ( as of March 31, 2013). The population density is 4.78 inhabitants per square kilometer.

The highest elevation is the Gråkampen with a height of 1,595 meters. The landscape is mainly a mountain pastures around the lakes and Syndin Flyvatnet and consists of 20 % of the forest. Almost 70 % of the landscape erhebebm over 900 meters, the lowest point lies at a height of 350 meters.

The crest represents the sheet of a water lily

Attractions are the Slidredom, the Lomen stave church, a cemetery with runic stones and church ruins.
