Vettius Agorius Praetextatus

Vettius Agorius Praetextatus (* 320, † 384 ) was a late ancient Roman senator and together with Symmachus and Nicomachus Virius Flavianus one of the leading figures in the pagan city of Rome senatorial aristocracy in the late 4th century.


Praetextatus, whose ancestors at least since the time of Constantine held high public office, was perhaps born in Rome. He was a strong advocate of the traditional gods cults to Christianity and was particularly one for the eastern mystery cults. In several of them he was also inaugurated what is in his grave inscription explicitly emphasizes once again. Nevertheless, he was after he was proconsul of Achaia 362-364, 367 by Emperor Valentinian I, who but anyway behaved tolerant in religious matters, was appointed prefect of Rome. In this role, he proved quite neutrality against Christians and Gentiles: he arbitrated the continuing since 366 dispute over the Roman bishopric between Damasus and Ursinus, where it was partly come into regular street fighting, in favor of Damasus, thus ending the unrest in the city. Otherwise, however, he expressed himself sometimes quite derogatory towards Christians and tended to be combative over-emphasis of the pagan cults.

Praetextatus was highly educated and translated Greek texts into Latin. Likewise, he ran in Rome brisk construction policy and renewed pagan temples, for example, he had the portico Deorum Consentium on the forum restore. Ammianus Marcellinus says, admiring his view, impeccable running of the Office Pretextatus praised him to the skies his friend Symmachus.

384 Praetextatus Praetorian Prefect Italiae, Illyrici et Africae was, which he held one of the highest civil post in the late Roman Empire. The following year, he should hold the consulate, but he died in the autumn of 384 in its place was the Heermeister Bauto consul. Praetextatus ' wife, Fabia Aconia Paulina, with whom he was married 40 years died, 385 The name of her child is unknown, but it erected an inscription.

Praetextatus was one of the greatest senators of his time and one of the main representatives of the pagan Roman Senate opposition to the Christian emperors. He was also a member of the so-called Symmachuskreises, which is also expressed in the Saturnalia of Macrobius ( Macrobius makes the action part in the house of Praetextatus play ), and enjoyed an enormous reputation, so that after his death his honor a memorial statue on the Forum Roman was built - one for senators extremely rare honor.
