
The Vettones (Latin Vettones, Greek Οὐέττονες ) were an ancient people in the Iberian Peninsula, which in the highlands between Durius and Tagus (today southwestern Castile and Leon and northern Extremadura ) lived. They possessed numerous flocks of sheep and were famous for their sheep.


In the Celtiberian war and in war the Hispanic Vettones stood on the side of its adjacent neighbors to the west, the closely related with them Lusitanians. After a defeat against the praetor Marcus Fulvius Nobilior 193 BC it came under Roman rule and were integrated into the Roman province of Hispania ulterior. After the division under Augustus they belonged to the province of Lusitania; in some inscriptions the province was named after the Vettones. Their settlement area was that eastern part of Lusitania, which does not belong to Portugal, but to Spain today.


A occurring in the settlement area of ​​the Vettones medicinal plant mentioned Pliny the Elder Naturalis historia in under the name herba Vettonica as a remedy for snake poison.
