Vetus Latina

The term Vetus Latina or Old Latin Bible (Latin vetus latina, German, Old Latin ' ), formerly also Itala, all translations are summarized Old and New Testament texts of the Bible into Latin, the front (and next to) the Vulgate in use were. The text of the Vetus Latina came with the advent of the Vulgate gradually into disuse. The Vulgate, in late antiquity and the Middle Ages the authoritative Bible is based on the Latin translation of the biblical writings by Jerome ( † 420 AD).

The numerous early translations of the Bible varied in scope and choice of words. They are to us (eg Augustine) accessed primarily in quotations in the Church Fathers, but also in fragments of manuscripts. Fragments of a Vetus Latina Code from the 4th or 5th century found, for example, in manuscript volumes from the Cathedral Library of Constance, was where the old manuscript in the 15th century cut up and used as a reinforcement of other bindings.

The numerous text tracks are systematically worked since 1945 under the direction of the Vetus Latina Institute in the Archabbey Beuron. Foundation of the institute is an index with approximately one million old Latin Bible quotes that docked the Munich priest Josef Denk ( 1849-1927 ). 2012 Thomas Johann Bauer was appointed Scientific Director of the Vetus Latina Institute.

