Via Campesina

Via Campesina (Spanish la vía campesina, " the peasant way") is an international movement of peasants and rural workers. The organization was founded in 1993. Has its headquarters in Jakarta ( Indonesia), their general coordinator is Henry Sarangih.

In the Via Campesina more than 100 small farmers, agricultural laborers, landless and indigenous organizations from Europe, America, Africa and Asia are members, including the Confédération Paysanne in France, the Brazilian landless movement MST, the Peruvian CCP, the Small Farmers' Association in Germany, the Austrian mountain farmer association and Uniterre in Switzerland.

The Via Campesina advocates the concept of food sovereignty. It is committed to an environmentally friendly, small-scale agriculture, which is to ensure the supply of the local population in the first place, for land reform and against the use of genetic engineering in agriculture.
