Vicia orobus

Heide- vetch (Vicia orobus )

The heath - vetch (Vicia orobus ) is one in Central Europe extremely rare plant species of the genus Vicia in the subfamily of the Fabaceae ( Faboideae ).


Habitus and sheets

The early summer shoots of the heather - vetch are more or less densely clothed with shaggy wool protruding hairs which fall shoots are bare. The stalk is branchy, erect or ascending and about 15 to 40 cm high. It is bright green, wrinkled and creased.

The leaves are pinnate, 5-8 cm long and end in a 1-4 mm long inked spindle. They usually have eight to twelve pairs of leaflets. The crowded arranged leaflets are ovate - elliptic to lanceolate, 10-23 mm long and 3-7 mm wide, rounded and apiculate short, clearly annoying and network of fresh green color.

The stipules are relatively large, half- pike -shaped, the lower often serrated weak.

Inflorescences and flowers

The racemose inflorescences are about 5-9 cm long, the last leaves outstanding, einseitswendig, and possess strong, bald to shaggy hairy stems. They carry 10 to 15 forced standing flowers. The 2-4 mm long stalked flowers are zygomorphic and 12 to 15 mm long. The cup is about as long, weitglockig, something went wrong and short triangular teeth separated by wide bays. The petals are nailed short, tinged yellowish or porcelain white and purple. The flag is obovate, emarginate, veined purple and slightly longer than the narrow wings and the boat. It flowers in May and June, and sometimes again in July, August.

Fruit and seeds

The pedicle pulses are about 20 to 28 mm long and 4-7 mm wide. You are bald, vielsamig and when ripe yellow-brown color.

The seeds are elliptic - ovate, compressed, smooth, brown, and more or less mottled to black.


The heath - vetch is a purely Atlantic Art Its distribution ranges from northern Spain through southern, western and central France, the Swiss Jura and western Germany to the British Isles. Chance it is also found in Denmark and Norway.

In Germany only occurrence in the Spessart ( Bavaria and Hesse ) and at the edge of the High Fens (Nordrhein-Westfalen ) are known.

The heath - vetch grows in forests hem lights, on meadows, in Hochstaudenfluren and Gentiles. It rises in the Auvergne at altitudes of 1550 meters.


The heath - vetch is endangered in Germany.
