Villa Garzoni

The Villa Garzoni in Collodi is, Piazza della Vittoria 1; Community Pescia, Province of Pistoia, Tuscany, Italy.


The name of the village of Collodi is attributed to the old Roman road Via Clodia. Here the Romans put a fixed place, the forum Claudii. From the Clodi was, which was then modified to Collodi.

The Garzoni family acquired the existing fortress in 1366 and extended it to the family home. The present mansion was built in the early 17th century, probably before 1622, under Romano di Alessandro Garzoni. The architect is unknown. A drawing from 1633 shows the Garden Villa still without.

1959 went out the line of Garzoni and the villa with garden went to the Sienese Count Giancarlo Gardi dell'Ardenghesca. He had to create a new ring road, because so far all the traffic was run through the system. Today the villa and the garden is open in the possession of the Gardiner family and to the public.

The Villa

The villa is a four-story baroque building and the largest of the Lucchese villas. The roof is decorated with a look-out turret, a belvedere, with a wonderful view of the entire system. Due to the slope of the entrance leads to the rear of the villa directly to the piano nobile on the first floor. The frescoes in the salon as well as the baroque Stuckgesimse Angelo Michele Colonna come from.

The Garden

The main axis of the garden does not extend to the villa, but to the side of it. The first plant of the garden probably goes back to Romano di Alessandro Garzoni itself and was completed in 1652.

The garden begins at the shallow end, French-style parterre de broderie with a (Embroidery ground floor) and two large circular pool with fountains. This part was added in the 18th century by Ottaviano Diodati. This is followed by a parterre à la'analoges ( English ground floor) with lawn and framing pattern, wave-cut low hedges. Behind the crest of the Garzoni, set of colored stones.

The focal point of the garden is lined with balustrades stairs with opposite arms. In the landings to find caves and niches with statues of gods and simple farmers. Above the water rushes over countless small pools as on a chain down from the slope. The starting point on the hill is a statue of ' Fame ' fame.

Carlo Lorenzini

The grandparents of poet and author of the stories of Pinocchio Carlo Lorenzini were employed in the Villa Garzoni. Therefore, the young Lorenzini was often visiting here. In memory of this happy time later, he slept with the pseudonym Collodi.
