Villa Soriano

Villa Soriano on the map of Uruguay

Villa Soriano, also known as Santo Domingo de Soriano or Villa de Soriano, is a city in southwestern Uruguay.


It is in the area of the department of Soriano in the left-hand bank of the Río Negro. A few kilometers west of the city flows the Río Negro in the Río Uruguay. In about 20 km south-east away is the town of Dolores.

Population and Demographics

The population is 1,184 ( as of 2004).

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay


The city was founded in 1624 under the name of Santo Domingo Soriano and was the first permanent settlement of European immigrants on Uruguayan soil. From the founding of the department until July 6, 1857 it was the capital of the same.


The football club FC Villa Soriano founded from the merger of the clubs Cabildo, Hum, Obrero Nacional and Sporting on 18 November 2005 is the only active club in this area in the city. He is currently playing in the Liga de Fútbol Regional de Dolores.
