
Villemaur -sur -Vanne is a commune with 501 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the Aube department in the Champagne- Ardenne region in the canton in the Arrondissement Estissac Troyes.


The municipality covers 19.65 square kilometers to 135 meters above sea level. The town is crossed by the Vanne.

Church " La Collegiale Notre Dame de l' Assomption "

Notre Dame de l' Assomption means the Assumption of Mary. The former collegiate church of the 12th and 13th century, which was rebuilt after a fire in the 16th and 17th century, art-historical interest: Firstly, it has a four-stage, separated from the church bell tower, which was built in 1551 from wood and is completely blinded with chestnut shingles; secondly, the church contains a Holzlettner between choir and nave, the only surviving of its kind in France, created in 1521 by the woodcarver brothers Thomas and Jacques Guyon. The balustrade of resting on narrow, broken pilasters stand on the earlier clerics were doing liturgical songs is decorated with 26 high-relief panels that show on the west side to 15 panels Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and on the east side on 11 plates Mary's life, created in graphic model of Martin Schongauer and Albrecht Dürer. A Crucifixion in full round design complement the system. - In the church there are more works of art, as a Rosenzweig Madonna (c. 1490-1510 ) and a figure of St.. Flavit Marcilly (around 1515-30 ), both stone sculptures.


Abbé George de Nantes ( * 1924), an opponent of the 2nd Vatican Council, the Catholic Church and Pope critic, was pastor here from 1958 and established as such, the community of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Villemaur.
