Vincent (song)

Vincent is a song by Don McLean, which wrote this in 1971 as a tribute to the painter Vincent van Gogh. The piece is also known by its first line of text Starry Starry Night. The song first appeared on the published in October 1971 album American Pie, and until today besides American Pie, the title song of this album, the most successful play Don McLean. It was in June 1972 at number 1 in the UK, in the American charts, it reached # 12 for two weeks


The song refers to several images of Van Gogh, for example, the Starry Night ( " Starry, Starry Night" ). McLean presses his admiration for the painter. He also makes reference to van Gogh's depression and the suspected suicide of the painter. Van Gogh is represented in the song as misunderstood, but fighting sufferer who is too good for this world.


The basic key of the piece is in G major. The song is initially accompanied only by guitar, get a soft tremolo xylophone and a string section in the background towards the end added. The chord progression of the verse and the chorus are varied in repetitions.
