Visual Marketing

The Visual Marketing is the discipline that examines the relationship between the object, its context and its image. It is used primarily in the sectors of fashion and design and forms an interdisciplinary point of contact between the economy, the laws of visual perception and cognitive psychology.

As a fundamental element of modern marketing is the visual marketing the ability of an object " protagonist " of visual communication to be at the center of investigation and critical analysis. The product and its visual communication are thus inextricably linked and their fusion is the component that reaches the audience and influences its decisions and determines ( in a communicative mechanism of the conviction ). Visual Marketing is often confused with the Visual Merchandising, the gradation is the same, however, as there is more going to the store design and direct promotion spot in this.

Visual Marketing can be a part of every aspect of communication: The marketing influences consumer behavior and the Visual Marketing supports this through the power of images, the better memorize the memory and strengthening hence the recognition value of a product.


The essay Notes on "Camp " by Susan Sontag is one of the origins of this vision of the object. The author made ​​it clear already in the sixties that the object is not in itself interesting, but in his account because it is the result of a number of considerations that the history of the object, its symbolism, its becoming and the fulfillment touch in the eyes of the beholder. In its historical development the Visual Marketing has revealed the masking of the object that moves away from its essence as a product to be the protagonist of "staging". The object is to say in the moment when it reaches the market in the system to something other than itself Paolo Schianchi, architect and designer, among the Italian theorists of Visual Marketing, said:

"(...) The object: real - that is, what we see; apparently - the matter of which it consists; ideal - as archetypal identity; Communication - his relationship with the taste; Form and function - the container and its contents; Emotion - the story that can conjure up; critical analysis - the language that calls it, thus revealing; industrial operation - how it is made active and productive; Image - what and how to do it; anonymous - its simple existence (...) "

All of these components that belong to an object and define it - in function of the target market and the consumer - are starting points for investigations in the context of Visual Marketing.

Umberto Galimberti, Italian philosopher and psychoanalyst, writes: " (...) But even where there is no shortage of money, the now defined by the fashion desire relates not so much to the objects as such, but rather on the myth, the fashion has awarded this and often it is only this that is consumed (...) ". Whoever engages in Visual Marketing, designed precisely this activity: from the design of the object to its production and thereby created the myth that is inherent in the object. Theories of Visual Marketing have been developed by the American Michel Wedel.
