Vitalis of Savigny

The Holy Vitalis of Savigny ( * ca 1060, † September 16, 1122 ) was the sainted founder of the monastery of the Benedictine community of Savigny and Savigny ( 1122).


Vitalis was born about 1060-65 in Normandy near Bayeux Tierceville as Vital de Mortain. His parents were Fred Rain le Vieux, Rohais. Of his early years nothing is handed down. After his ordination he was chaplain at the half -brother of King William the Conqueror, Robert de Conte Ville, comte de Mortain († 1100). Vitalis has earned recognition and trust Roberts, who donated for him a position as canon at the abbey church of Saint- Évroult at Mortain, which he founded in 1082.

Vitalis but it drew to a life of greater perfection. In 1095 he gave the position as canons on, settled in Dompierre, 19 miles east of Mortain, down, and was one of the leaders of the colony hermit in the forest of Craon. Here he led an ascetic life for 17 years and was - by his father's name - Vital le Vieux ( the old Vitalis ) called. During this time he worked on, as well as his mentor Robert of Arbrissel, with the salvation and the salvation of the surrounding population and provided practical help for the outcasts, who gathered around him.

He was a great preacher, renowned for his zeal, resistant to fatigue and extremely fearless. It is narrated that he tried with his brother, Robert II to reconcile Henry I of England Normandy. He obviously has toured England and a large part of western France, but the focus of his work was in Normandy. Between 1105 and 1120, he also founded in Mortain the Nunnery of the White Abbey ( Abbaye Blanche ), his later canonized Sister Adeline became its abbess. On September 16, 1122 he died in Savigny.

  • Roman Catholic priest (12th century)
  • Founder ( Roman Catholic)
  • Born in the 11th century
  • Died in 1122
  • Man