Vladimír Boudník

Vladimír Boudník ( born March 17, 1924 in Prague, † December 5, 1968 ) was a Czech painter and graphic artist.

Following the ideas of Jackson Pollock, he tried to surpass these at the same time and wrote a manifesto of " Explosionalismus ". His artistic work he concentrated on working with matrices and presses his preferred material were metals that he worked mechanically and chemically.

Boudník committed suicide in 1968 at the age of 44 years suicide.

Boudník was close friends with the writer Bohumil Hrabal, who put him in various literary texts, a monument, as in The gentle barbarian, The Dandy in the locksmith suit ( in the collection of life without tuxedo ) or in the trilogy weddings at home ( especially in the second and the third part of the Vita Nuova and I thought of the golden age ).

Pictures of Vladimír Boudník
