Vladimír Klokočka

Vladimír Klokočka ( born April 23 1929 † 19 October 2009) was a Czech constitutional lawyer, dissident and high school teachers.


Klokočka studied law at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague. In 1952 he received his doctorate of Rights ( JUDr. ) and until 1956 was assistant professor at the faculty. In 1960 he obtained the degree of candidate of sciences ( CSc. ). In 1966 he completed his habilitation and became a lecturer in constitutional law.

In the time of the Prague Spring in 1968 he was member of the Czech National Council (Česká národní rada ), the lower house of the then Czechoslovak Parliament. He was active in the reform movement and participated in the drafting of a new electoral law. In 1969 he was Dean of the Law Faculty in Brno, but shortly afterwards removed from all public and academic positions. He then worked in the state's insurance company Česká státní pojišt'ovna in Prague. When he signed the Charter 77, he was released there.

After the expatriation he saw only escape from the communist Czechoslovakia as a way out. He emigrated to West Germany and was a research assistant at the Chair of Political Science at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Technical University of Munich, where he worked in research and teaching. After the Velvet Revolution in the CSFR, he decided in 1990 to return to his homeland, where he was the degree of Doctor of Sciences ( DrSc. ) and the professorship was awarded.

From 1993 to 2003 he worked as a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Brno. He became famous for the first judgment on the unjust nature of the Communist regime.

1994/95 he also lectured at the Palacky University in Olomouc. During his time in the Constitutional Court, he dealt with election law and was active in the debate on the funding of political parties with. Klokočka was at this time as one of the foremost constitutional scholars in the Czech Republic. Until recently he had spoken on issues of the controversial Lisbon Treaty in the Czech Republic in newspaper interviews.

In his retirement, he has written numerous articles and books.


Klokočka was given an honorary doctorate from Masaryk University in Brno.


  • Klokočka, Vladimír: Democratic Socialism. An authentic model. And an interview with Rudi Dutschke. , Hamburg, concreteness Publisher 1968. 106 S.