Vladislav Illich-Svitych

Vladislav Markovich Illitsch - Switytsch (Russian Владислав Маркович Иллич - Свитыч; born in 1934 in Kiev, † 1966 in Moscow) was a native of Ukraine linguist.

Life and work

Illitsch - Switytsch was of Ukrainian descent. Later he went to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow, where he conducted research in the field of comparative linguistics and early 1960s - at the same time but initially independent of Aharon Dolgopolsky - the idea of ​​a nostra matic macro family revived, to the Danish linguist Holger Pedersen beginning of the 20th century had formulated. Illitsch - Switytschs early death at the age of 32 years, prevented the completion of its comprehensive Comparative Dictionary of Nostratic Languages ​​, which was later completed by Dolgopolsky.
