Vocational education

Training includes the provision of assets, skills and knowledge to a person of any age through a forming point, for example, a state school, a university or a private company. As a rule, at the end of an institutional training a final exam for the graduate who receives a document through participation, certifying the successful completion of education and his acquired ability proof, such as a certificate in Web Programming, a doctorate in philosophy and a master in the roofing trade. Education differs from the more general concept formation through its completion and purpose of definiteness.

Vocational training

In contrast to the broader concept of education, vocational training pursued practical intentions. Your educational objective is less in education and personal development, but rather in the standardized communication of applicable skills that mostly serves the commercial profession.

In the dual system of vocational training, in particular training companies and vocational schools ( vocational schools, vocational schools ) meet these responsibilities under the provisions of the Vocational Training Act ( Vocational Training Act). As a basis for an ordered and standardized vocational training, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, or other competent professional ministry shall issue training regulations. For a recognized occupation may be formed only after the formation of regulation. In other recognized professions as young people may not be trained under the age of 18. The Vocational Training Act sets as a prerequisite for training at a recognized professional no requirements for completed education courses or other training.

The application for an apprenticeship includes an interview and usually also an aptitude test. For both of the candidates should prepare themselves in order to highlight its strengths as possible can. For the preparation certainly includes that on current events information can be given. Partial come also called the assessment center for the selection of candidates for use.

The duration of training varies depending on the design profession between two and three and a half years. The regular training period is determined, for example, for training as an industrial mechanic or mechatronics in the applicable training regulations by the legislature, a shortening can usually be applied for and granted in good performances.

Another way of vocational training, there are at state vocational schools or college schools, which takes full-time school. Make the trainees but usually guided internships ( internship) or recognition internships ( educators ) of variable length ( depending on the profession and the state ) in very different institutions or companies, depending on the profession. Examples of such training: electro- technical assistant, educator, and so on.

Often there is the possibility of this vocational training with the testimony of Fachoberschulreife (FOR; GCSE ), technical college, the subject-specific higher or university entrance qualification (Abitur ) to couple. The possibilities of the double qualification be perceived primarily in the commercial, technical media and social education -oriented training programs.

An element of vocational training are teachings. So calls § 12 paragraph 1 of the Labour Protection Act, that the insured be trained adequately and appropriately. Trigger for an instruction are for example Adjustment or displacement, changes in duties or changes in the work processes.

Training part time

In addition to training in full-time lawmakers have with the amendment of the Vocational Training Act ( Vocational Training Act) from 1 April 2005, the opportunity to make an in-company training and part-time. Thus, there is also the possibility to shorten by reducing the number of weekly hours training with a legitimate interest.

A legitimate interest is when the / the trainees can do no training in full-time either because of the care of their own children or the care of close relatives. Also, personal, for example health restrictions that do not allow activity of more than six hours per day, provide a legitimate interest;

Basically all professions can be learned in part-time, which are regulated by the Vocational Training Act ( Vocational Training Act) and the Crafts Code ( HwO ). Conditions are an agreement between a training company and the apprentice as well as the approval of the relevant chamber.

The minimum number of hours is 20 hours / week including the visit to the vocational school. In this variant, the training time by either at least six months or twelve months or longer. If a training period of 25 hours or more per week agreed that education in the regular duration can be terminated. These 25 hours per week were determined by DIHK ( German Industry and Commerce ) and the ZDH ( Central Association of the German Trade ) as reaching 75 percent of the full weekly training time.

It is also possible to end a training part-time, if this training after pregnancy due to maternity and parental leave, where appropriate, has been lost. Here it is advisable to time to talk to the employer and to take a part-time agreement in coordination with the competent chamber. This should be recorded in writing, is added as a contract modification to the original training contract.
