
Volga Telecom (Russian « ВолгаТелеком ") was a Russian company that was founded in 2002. Volga Telecom is listed on the stock exchange in Moscow RTS index. The company was one of the seven main regional suppliers of telecommunications in Russia, which, alongside the Volga telecom company Telekom Center, DalsvyazTelekom, North-West Telecom, Rostelecom, Sibir Telecom, Southern Telecom and Uralsviazinform belong.

These seven regional companies emerged in the 1990s from the state company Svyazinvest. Since 1 April 2011, the company is a branch of the All-Russian telecommunications company Rostelecom named Volga.

Volga Telecom serves approximately 32 million customers in the Volga Federal District, which is about 22 percent of the Russian population.

Regional offices
