
  • Voseo dominated orally and in writing.
  • Voseo dominated orally.
  • Voseo and tuteo coexist.
  • Spanish -speaking countries without Voseo.

The Voseo is a feature of the Spanish morphosyntaktisches certain regions in South and Central America (especially Argentina, the Río de la Plata region and Nicaragua, but is also found in Costa Rica, Guatemala and other Central American countries ). In the classical form of Voseo involves the use of the pronoun vos ( historically "your" ) instead of tú ("you ") in the singular form of address.

  • 3.1 Examples
  • 4.1 Present Indicative
  • 4.2 imperative
  • 4.3 conjunctive / subjunctive
  • 4.4 Comparison
  • 5.1 Cono Sur 5.1.1 Río de la Plata
  • 5.1.2 Chile


The singular form of address was in Latin, just do it. Only since the late Roman era there was a plural form for the singular Title: vos. In this form it was the polite form. Through the process of overgeneralization vos displaces the tu, but retained its importance. The vos was thus in the Spanish meantime both singular and plural and familiar form of address, similar to the English you, which originally stood as a plural pronoun over thou. Deference was now brought by the salutation vuestra merced ( " your grace " ) expressed that developed to vuasted and then usted over time initially.

From the 16th century it was in Spanish and reinstallation of tú as singular salutation and to displace the vos in the plural form. In the plural for the personal pronoun ( " you others ", " their", literally) sat by vosotros. This development was not mitvollzogen in the Spanish-speaking regions of the Americas; vosotros is not used there to this day and vos remained for a long time as a form of familiar address in the singular and is partly used to this day. This phenomenon is referred to as Voseo. ( Instead of vosotros used in Spain is used in Latin America ustedes. )


There are three different forms of voseo.

Pronominal verbal voseo

The pronominal -verbal voseo consists of the pronoun vos and a special, different from the standard Spanish Voseo - verb form. This is a variation of - not common in Latin America - Spanish regular conjugations of the second person plural in singularischer importance. This classic voseo form is in the Río de la Plata area (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and including Bolivia) common and is also in Central America (from Tabasco, Mexico, to western Panama) and in certain regions of Colombia, Venezuela (Northwest ) and Ecuador used.

  • Vos Hablas, vos Ténès in Central America, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay
  • Vos habláis, vos tenéis in Zulia (Venezuela )
  • Vos hablái, vos Tenis in Chile ( very informal, sometimes vulgar )

Pure pronominal voseo

The formation of pure pronominal Voseos done with the pronoun vos, followed by the regular second person singular. To use this form in certain regions of Argentina and Bolivia. It also occurs in Central America, especially in Mexico where synchronized television programs (especially children's programs ) are emitted, which is why children sometimes tú and vos mixed use. In areas of the Ecuadorian Sierra, where vos is used, it is nowadays common to use the verb form of tú.

  • Vos Hablas, vos tienes in the Ecuadorian Sierra and certain regions in Bolivia and Argentina

Pure verbal voseo

The formation occurs with the pronoun tú, followed by the voseo verb forms. Its use is particularly widespread in Chile, where the pronominal voseo is used only partially.

  • Hablái Tú, tú Tenis in Chile
  • Tú Hablas in Uruguay

Vos as an object

In the case of pronominal vos Voseos only replaces tú and ti (after a preposition ). The object shape te remains the same. The possessive forms tu ( s ), tuyo ( s ) and tuya ( s ) and do not change.


  • Tú " ¿ Tú eres de Indonesia? "
  • "I want to talk to you. " vos: " Quiero hablar con vos. "
  • Tú " Quiero hablar contigo. "
  • " I see you. " vos and tú " Te veo. "
  • "I give you. " vos and tú " Te regalo los. "
  • "There are your shirts. " vos and tú " Ahí están tus camisas. "
  • "Is that yours? " vos and tú " ¿ It tuya? "

Verb Conjugation

Present indicative

The rules of conjugation of the voseo is relatively simple.

1 General Voseo

  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay
  • Bolivia
  • Ecuador ( Esmeraldas Province )
  • Colombia in the west ( Pacific Coast ): the departments of Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño
  • In the middle, mainly the Paisa region: the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda, and part of Tolima.

2 Chilean voseo

3 In Venezuela ( Zulia state ) one uses virtually the same conjugation as vosotros in Spain, however, the final -s breathy so

Apart from the cited verbs ser, ir, and haber all verbs follow the rules described. In the case of ser and ir one can derive the conjugation in the present indicative of the modern vosotros: sois ~ sos soi; vais vas ~ ( which corresponds to the tú conjugation ), vai. Worth mentioning is the form is Eris the Chilean voseo the case quasi is an exception within the exceptions.


The positive command form is used in all regions of the Voseo except Chile. For the negative command form ( which is also in Chile ) take the subjunctive ( see below).

The rule for forming the positive command form is even simpler than that of the present indicative. The -r at the end of the infinitive is omitted and the final vowel is replaced by an emphasis on the conservation of emphasis. The only exception is the verb ir, which has (at least in Argentina) ANDA the command form.

Conjunctive / subjunctive

A crucial difference between the Voseo in Central America, Colombia, Bolivia and in the region and the Río de la Plata is the verb in the subjunctive / subjunctive. In the Río de la Plata region to use the verb forms of tú in the subjunctive, while preserving the original verb forms of vos in Central America, Colombia, and Bolivia. This is used even in the Río de la Plata region, but rather to emphasize something or in emotional situations.

In the other countries where the ( verbal ) is used voseo, you continue to use the verb forms of vos.


Here is a table comparing the conjugation of some verbs in the present indicative for tú and for vos, stand by the common for vosotros, the pronoun of the second person plural, today only in Spain. The forms with accent ( vos and vosotros ) and the infinitives are stressed on the last syllable; The tú forms are stressed on the penultimate syllable. The bold print are irregular. Note the failure of the sound shift ( Diphthongisierung ) in the verb roots " acordar ", " poder " and " venir ".


Cono Sur

Río de la Plata

The in Argentina and the rest of the La Plata countries (Uruguay, Paraguay ) conventional, classic voseo conjugation is also used in parts of Bolivia. In Argentina, voseo is standard language, is also recognized in the written language and is deliberately maintained as Argentine idiosyncrasy. From here he sits in the default language of the rest of the La Plata countries increasingly.

Some Uruguayans combine the pronoun tú with the verb forms of the classical Voseo (for example, tú sabes ). Today, however, this use is declining because of the use of the pronoun vos due to the dominance of the Argentine in the media increasingly generalized.


The commonly used in Chile voseo verb forms are formed slightly differently: Instead omit the i of Enddiphthongs classic Voseo falling s after a diphthong from ( Tú soi, ¿ estai casada, ¿ Te acordái? ). In verbs of the e - conjugation of the diphthong entirely eliminated ( querís, Bebis ), so there is the ending- ís as the i - conjugation ( Venis, preferís ). Here, too often falls the final -s away or is only as aspirated breath audibly (¿ Te Vení ( s / h)? , ¿ Quéri ( s / h) Agüita? ). These verbs are used in Chile with the pronoun tú rather, as the use of the pronoun vos as Argentine idiosyncrasy and is considered in many cases as vulgar. Nonetheless, the use of the pronoun vos with aspirated S ( about voh ) exists between very good friends, or as an insult. The Chilean voseo ( with tú ) belongs to the informal language level and is used in formal situations replaced by the Standardtuteo. In very formal situations is used usted.


To the west of Colombia, as well as in some Central American countries to the southern states of Mexico ( Chiapas & Tabasco ) is used virtually the same voseo verb forms as in the Río de la Plata region (some with Aspirierung of -s).

In eastern Colombia, bordering Venezuela to areas you like in Zulia conjugated, but with the omission of the -S ​​at the end ( podéi, Sabai, Veni, ViVi, etc.)

In total there are about 20 million Colombians, almost half of the total population, " Voseantes ".


In the north- western Venezuela, especially in the state of Zulia, the largest state by population, the pronoun vos is used as the singular form of address with the regular verb forms (although in Latin America unused ) second person plural.

Overall, more than one-eighth - At least 3.6 million - Venezuelans voseantes.


In the Sierra the same verb forms as in Zulia (Venezuela ) were common, ie more or less the same as vosotros in Spain. These verb forms are but today deprecated and is only used by the older generation in everyday language. What is still quite common the pronominal voseo, so the use of the pronoun vos in conjunction with the verb forms of tú, about: puedes vos, vos vienes, vos sabes, etc. In the north- western Ecuador, mainly in the province of Esmeraldas, one conjugated verbs as in the Río de la Plata countries, Bolivia, Colombia, and Central America ( General conjugation): vos PODES, Venis, Sabes, etc. In the media and the education system will only be used tú. Thus, the Voseo limited to the spoken language.

Central America

Central America is basically voseante. However, the situation varies according to countries or even regions within a country.

1 Panama

Panama is mainly tuteante. There are areas near the border with Costa Rica, where voseo is still to be found.

2 Costa Rica

In Costa Rica vos and usted used in different distribution as an informal form of address. Tú may sound rather pedantic and Costa Ricans generally do not use it among themselves. Vos enjoys wide acceptance and heard (with its verb forms ) to education.

3 Nicaragua

Nicaragua is strongly voseante. Far and wide, you vos used as form of address, and in the media. Tú is virtually no presence, unless you're dealing with foreigners.

4 Honduras

The Hondurans use vos mainly in the spoken language. However, in the media and the written language has tú more acceptance.

5 El Salvador

The situation is similar in Honduras, but vos gets more and more acceptance in the media and in written language.

6 Guatemala

Guatemala is originally voseante and vos is still common in the spoken language, but there are certain regions, families, or classes of society, where we rather use tú.

7 Mexico ( Chiapas and Tabasco )

In Tabasco the Voseo is more or less extinct. In Chiapas vos still exists, but the younger generations are increasingly using tú.

In Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, there are many people who tú & ti practical use only when writing or reading and use vos almost exclusively in everyday speech. In Central America we hear sometimes " ¿ Qué quieres vos? " instead of " ¿ Qué Queres vos? ". Here the influence of television is felt, where usually a "neutral Spanish " is used, and tú and the regular verb forms of the second person singular is used, which is why some people (especially children) vos and tú and their corresponding verbs now and then times confused.

In all the countries of Costa Rica to Guatemala, the use of tú between men is recognized as something female.

  • Spanish Language