
Vṛddhi (Sanskrit: वृद्धि, ʋr̩d̪d̪ ʰ i ) is a Sanskrit word meaning " growth, growth, growth". In Sanskrit it is a nomen actionis on - tí - to "grow, grow " the verbal stem vṛdh-/vardh- (* expectant from the root PIE ʰ ) is formed.

In Panini's grammar, it also referred to a technical term for a group of long vowels.

In the Indo-European linguistics so is the lengthened grade of Indo-European ablaut designates a vowel gradation, which is characteristic of the Indo- European languages. A Vṛddhi - derivation is a word that is derived by such an elongation, a kind of education, which is very common in Sanskrit, but guaranteed in other languages.

" It is within the Germanic without question a hochaltertümliches forming agent, for cases such as the formation Vrddhi brother - father in law to show that the formation prior to the occurrence of Verner's Law must have taken place. "

Examples in German

  • Father in law - brother in law
  • Rooster - Chicken