Vydra (river)

The Vydra

The Vydra ( German Widra ) is a river in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic.

It arises in the community Modravy in the Sumava National Park at the confluence of the streams Modravský Potok ( Mader Bach) and Roklanský Potok (Rachel Bach / Big Müller Bach), which are fed from the extensive raised bog complex of Hochmaderer felts. The catchment area of ​​146.2 km ², the flow length is 23.1 km. Part of the water is drained below Modravy in the Chinitz - Tettauer navigational canal. The This tourist section between Antýgl ( Antigelhof ) and Čeňkova pila ( Vinzenzsäge ) has the character of a torrent with many rapids, boulders and irregular sleepers in the river bed.

Through the confluence of the river with Vydra Křemelná created the Otava.
