
The term w00t (also woot, spoken language " wuht " [ wu ː t]) is a slang interjection from the network jargon to express exuberance - usually a successful despite difficulties cause or a surprising event.

Woot or w00t has established itself in almost all the online games as an expression of surprise ( " w00t, how did you do that? " For example ) or as an exclamation, when after many attempts / long wait finally the desired object in " loot "appears.

" W00t " is also a backronym for "We 0wned (the) 0ther team".

The term is particularly common in multiplayer computer games, the IRC, as well as IM protocols ( such as ICQ, XMPP, Windows Live Messenger, etc. ) and in Internet forums. Occasionally, " w00t " is also used in the spoken language. The term " w00t " belongs to Leetspeak; Therefore, also makes a connection with "what" produce.

On 11 December 2007, visitors to the website of well-known U.S. dictionary Merriam- Webster have the embossed on the net term " w00t " crowned " word of the year ".
