
Wefayi (* 1844 Mahabad, † 1902), whose real name Abdurahim was a Kurdish poet from Iran. In Mahabad he completed his religious studies and became a cleric. Towards the end of his life he moved to Sulaymaniyah in Iraq today. Wefayi went three times to the Hajj to Mecca. On his last pilgrimage in 1902, he became ill and died on the way in the border region of Syria and Iraq.

Wefayi followed in his poems the classic rhymes and rhythms of his time. He mostly wrote ghazals in and Kassides. His poetry often dealt with nature and love. In some did Sufism ( Islamic mysticism ) is the subject of poetry. Its great merit of it was that he introduced the poetic form of the Sorani from Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish areas of Iran. Thus, he has influenced subsequent Kurdish poets such as Hejar.


  • Wafaei in The history of the Kurdish Literature, pp. 347-379, By: Dr. Marouf Khaznadar, Aras Publishers, Hewler, Iraqi Kurdistan, 2004 ( in Kurdish ).
  • Poetry
  • Literature ( Kurdish )
  • Kurd
  • Born in 1844
  • Died in 1902
  • Man