Waldenström hyperglobulinemic purpura

Purpura hyperglobulinaemica or Waldenstrom's disease ( afterJan Gosta Waldenstrom ) is an acquired coagulopathy ( bleeding diathesis ) that emanates from the blood vessels. It is characterized by a massive hypergammaglobulinemia, that is, there are an excessive number of immunoglobulins (antibodies) in the patient's blood to be found.

Purpura hyperglobulinaemica is usually the result of multiple myeloma, a disease of rheumatic or Sjogren's syndrome.

Biochemically seen the parameters of platelet count, platelet function and plasma coagulation parameters are unchanged, that is normal. Thus, no coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia are.

  • Disease in hematology and oncology