
Wankan (Japanese王冠, German king crown) is a kata - that a stylized fight against imaginary opponents - in karate. It was introduced into Shotokan Karate by Yoshitaka Funakoshi and has 16 movements, the shortest kata in this style.

Its origin lies in the Tomari -Te ( Shorin- school), a forerunner of modern karate from the 19th century. Gichin Funakoshi called Matsukaze (松风, " Pine Wind ") and hito (飞云, "flying cloud" ). In this kata only a Kiai is set. Applies special or royal art koko Uke (虎口 受け, "Tiger Mouth defense " ) that ends in a knee lever throw. Wankan is practiced in the Shorin- ryū, Shoto, Shotokan, Matsubayashi - Ryu and.
