WASP -1 is a star in the constellation Andromeda. The star is accompanied b from a transiting planet called WASP -1.

The star has about 1.2 times the mass of Sun and has the apparent brightness like 11.8. He is of spectral type F7 V, its surface temperature is about 6200 Kelvin, which he is quite similar to the sun.

Planetary companion

WASP - 1b was identified as a candidate exoplanets within the SuperWASP surveys and later confirmed using the radial velocity method. It has a mass of about 89 percent of the mass of Jupiter. As the planet orbits its star very close - the distance is 0.0382 (± 0.0013 ) astronomical units, or about four percent of the distance from the earth to the sun - he needs for a circling only 2.51997 (± 0.00016 ) days. The radius of the exoplanet is about 1.4 Jupiter radii.
