12.6 L ☉

WASP -4 is the name of a 260.5 parsecs from the Sun (about 850 light years) distant star that is orbited by an exoplanet. The located in the constellation Phoenix star is of spectral type G7V and has the apparent magnitude 12.6. With a surface temperature of about 5600 K, the rating of the sun is similar.

The Planet

Main article: WASP -4 b

Due to the large number of newly found, extrasolar planets are awarded newfound companions no longer proper names. Wherefore the name of the planet, which WASP -4 orbits, just "b", so WASP -4b. WASP -4b has at least 1.34 Jupiter masses, has about one and a half times the radius of Jupiter and needs for the orbit to its star 1.34 days. Since direct observation of the planet due to the large distance and high brightness difference is impossible to his star with today's technical resources, most sizes are minimum and maximum sizes. Thus, the distance of the planet to its star, which corresponds to about 2.3 % of the distance, which has the earth from the sun, a resultant from the data and not directly observed quantity.
